Saturday, September 26, 2009

Winter sunny days

I really can't wait for the winter sunny days when I will be going to the beach for a walk and a quick swim. The feeling of swimming in sunny winter days can be addictive, for me at least is my personal body & soul drug.

South Africa, Cape Town - a rainbow shows through angry waves

Usually after November swimming in the sea lasts only about 5-10 minutes, but in just those minutes you feel goose bumps in every inch of your body, the outer layer of your skin gets numb-freezing cold while at the same time every part of your inner body is lighted on fire. That feeling lasting for just those few minutes is enough to wrap you in a mood of happiness, to let go of all your worries and fears.

Athens on fire, last year - photo taken while peeking out of the window

And if those few minutes you have the warm, shiny, gold sun glory on top of you then you might even think you are in an earthy paradise, where nature has blew in you all four elements and you have become a unity, where you can actually hear the quietness of your soul, where every thought abandons your mind, where negative feelings have no existence, where you feel strong and complete and you are positive sure you can deal with everything, where time stops and you know deep down that these are the happy bits of life, this is what is worth living for, this is reality, because reality can not be your stressful, demanding, miserable, feared moments of everyday town-life. Can't it?

Sounio-Attica, winter time - peace

Don't just peek out of the window, get out there, break free, and live your own happy bits. Just sniff your own personal drug that elevates your soul. It doesn't matter if it is in the sea or the mountain, it doesn't matter if it's sunny or raining, it doesn't even matter what month it is or what time of the day. Just get out there and don't ever let anyone tell you that what you are living is just life; because life cannot suck 24/7, because if you were living life then believe me you would feel it...

Avlaki beach-Attica, spring time - quietness

Realization#1: sharing fragments of a sometimes personal inner dialogue
Realization#2: messing with optimistic and pessimistic thoughts at the same time


Livingathens said...

Sharing is perfect, messing thoughts perfect to :)

christalenergy said...

yeah...sharing makes you feel good :)
and messing thoughts just happens...can't really control it :P

Mairyliscious said...

δεν ξερεις ποσο δεν αντεχω που μου λειπει η θαλασσα δεν μπορω ομως πλεον να βουτηξω πηγα την τριτη και εβαλα μονο τα ποδια ! χε
δεν μου αρεσει καθολου ο χειμωνας μονο το παπλωμα μου μου αρεσει το χειμωνα :)P

Anonymous said...

Τι ωραία λόγια! Πόσο δίκιο έχεις...

christalenergy said...

@mairyliscious και που να δεις τη θερμοκρασία της κατά Δεκέμβριο μεριά..δεν το χω κάνει ποτέ αλλά ξέρω άτομα που βουτάνε ενώ χιονίζει...μπρρρρρ!
@knottycat Thanks :) τι να πω..απλά βγήκαν χωρίς καν να το καταλάβω :P

meraldia said...

Latreuw ti thalassa k to kolympi alla symfwnw me Mairyliscious. Tremw to kryo k den tolmw na voutixw to heimwna!

Mairyliscious said...

αληθεια ε??απαπαπ και εγω εχω δει και μεγαλους σε ηλικια ανθρωπους να το κανουν αυτο !!! τι να πεις ο καθενας οπως του αρεσει !
το χειμωνα μου αρεσει βολτα στη θαλασσα με το σκυλο ....ηρεμια χαλαρωση ενα με τη φυση .......οχι ομως και βουτιτσες αν δεν λιωνω απο τη ζεστη δεν βουτω :)P

Thalia said...

you are such a positive person! i just love it! i read this post while at office having coffee and a smile landed on my face!
thank u girl!

p.s. i should really try swimming in winter!

christalenergy said...

@thalia :)))

D.Angel said...

:( Πέρασα για μια καλησπέρα!
Τα αγγλικά μου δεν είναι καλά και αυτή τη στιγμή δεν έχω χρόνο ν ασχοληθώ!Φιλιά πολλά!

kulululu said...

i miss summer:(